Let me just glimpse
the undiscovered terrain in phases, my hidden
mouth half-open with prayer of lustrous sun.
We are not lesser lights.
The illuminated half holds the mystery of itself
in crescent arms. Faint earthshine bathes
what I can barely discern as a wholeness
against the black void
of space. You and I stare to pin down
the ghost half,
materializing then vanishing. It may take
a whole life to know that the dark of the moon
differs from the night,
that what is bright and what is baffling
orb together, full.
“Soul as Half Moon”, from the collection Butterly Nebula, by Laura Reece Hogan
Let me just glimpse
the undiscovered terrain in phases, my hidden
mouth half-open with prayer of lustrous sun.
We are not lesser lights.
The illuminated half holds the mystery of itself
in crescent arms. Faint earthshine bathes
what I can barely discern as a wholeness
against the black void
of space. You and I stare to pin down
the ghost half,
materializing then vanishing. It may take
a whole life to know that the dark of the moon
differs from the night,
that what is bright and what is baffling
orb together, full.
“Soul as Half Moon”, from the collection Butterly Nebula, by Laura Reece Hogan
Butterfly Nebula
New Poems by Laura Reece Hogan
Winner of the Backwaters Prize in Poetry
Butterfly Nebula
New Poems by Laura Reece Hogan
Arriving October 1, 2023 · Backwaters Press