I Live, No Longer I

2018 Catholic Press Association Book Awards: Winner of four First Place awards for Spirituality, Theology, and Scripture

2018 Illumination Book Awards: Winner of the Gold Medal for Spirituality

2017 American Book Fest Best Book Awards: Winner of category Religion: Christianity

“To me, one of the more profound questions is: how do the inevitable suffering, loss, and death we experience interconnect with life and the divine?”

How do the dark moments of suffering which we all encounter at some point in our lives connect with the divine? The words of Paul the Apostle offer an answer to this universal question in the vibrant figure and pattern of Jesus Christ, expressed eloquently in the Philippians Christ Hymn. It is in moments of loss, moments of experience of creation and community, and moments of transformative unity with God that we discover our deep connectedness to God and one another. Laura Hogan weaves the truth of these three moments of divine-human relationship together with Paul’s undivided trust in divine effectiveness; that is, that the paradox of the cross reveals that God, no matter how dire the circumstance, is supremely effective to accomplish his will. Paul’s words encourage us to express the pattern of Jesus Christ in our words, actions, and very lives, a singular expression of Christ in our time, place, identity, and circumstances. This daily living of the Christ pattern, which this book explores in lives past and present, gives rise to a true joy in God as we become increasingly aware of our relationship with the divine in all moments, from the darkest to the brightest. 

Praise & Reviews

“This is a work of light and love and of deep conviction… St. Paul urged his converts to see the world and the whole of human existence through the lens of faith; to judge everything, every event from the viewpoint of Christ, and Laura Hogan speaks with his voice today… I Live, No  Longer I could change our lives.”
—Ruth Burrows, O.C.D., Author of Before the Living Light

“Laura Hogan unpacks Saint Paul’s rich theology of transformation in Christ through the lens of his cross. Theologically sophisticated, it is also highly personal, drawing on her ability to see God working in the ordinary, the everyday, and especially the painful. But even in those more difficult moments we all experience, she finds joy in God’s mysterious presence. A deeply Christian book.”
—Thomas P. Rausch, SJ, Loyola Marymount University

“Hogan has written an eloquent yet intimate book–a call to become ‘ordinary mystics’ by embracing the challenging yet life-giving spirituality of the apostle Paul. Her description of Paul’s paradoxical pattern of becoming like Christ is illustrated with real-life examples as well as insightful metaphors. The result is a moving invitation to a joyful life lived in God and for others–even in the midst of the many trials we all will face.”
—Michael J. Gorman, St. Mary’s Seminary and University, Baltimore

“In this inspiring text, Hogan articulates in an engaging way the life-giving, though paradoxical, insight of St. Paul–that joy can co-exist with suffering. . . . This book provides a message of hope and consolation for all of us as we confront the inevitable sufferings of human life.”
—Wilkie Au, PhD, Author of The Enduring Heart: Spirituality for the Long Haul

“In clear and accessible language, Hogan presents a series of meditations on passages from the writings of St. Paul. . . . Taking the lines of St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians as her motto, ‘I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me,’ she demonstrates how the passage has continuing relevance for our challenging and confused contemporary world.”
—Peter Tyler, St. Mary’s University, Twickenham, London

“The first major statement of Pope Francis was his exhortation following the 2010 synod on Evangelization entitled “The Joy of the Gospel.” Here, too, is found, as in Paul’s life and teaching, this sure conviction that the heart of Christian spirituality is found in a personal and abiding relationship with Jesus …. Readers of Laura Reece Hogan’s work whose title reveals its fundamental thesis–I Live, No Longer I: Paul’s Spirituality of Suffering, Transformation and Joy—will find the same depth of understanding, the same eloquent and inspiring language, and the same profound grasp of the biblical message. Those who want to find the heart of Paul’s dynamic spirituality and meaning for our own lives of suffering and joy can turn to the pages of this beautiful book.”
—Donald Senior, C.P., President Emeritus, Chancellor, Professor of New Testament Studies, Catholic Theological Union, General Editor of The Bible Today

“For any God-seeker, I Live, No Longer I: Paul’s Spirituality of Suffering, Transformation, and Joy by Laura Hogan is an enjoyable masterwork…. I Live, No Longer I merits five stars out of five for ease of comprehension, presentation, value in daily life, scholarship, empirical experience, thoroughness, lucidity, and enjoyability….  I Live, No Longer I is a modern classic.”
—Christopher Rupert, SJ, Catholic Book Review

“Laura Reece Hogan’s book is a rare combination of mystical reflections and keen exegetical exactitude. It is a text of unusual spiritual richness written in beautiful language. I Live, No Longer I might be compared in its pedagogical objective and instructional style to a text like the commentary by John of the Cross on his poem The Dark Night…. The lyrical style of her language and the intensity of her mystical insights make this book a perfect retreat guide, or a beautiful accompaniment for someone on a conscious soul-search or journey.”
— Julia Prinz, VDMF, Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality

“Hogan’s work is a delight to read. Her prose is so clear that the reader, upon reflection, is surprised to find profound truths so easy to understand. The images used to illustrate these truths are homey and apt…. The final chapter, devoted to joy as the ultimate expression of living a Christian life, is worth reading over and over. This book is not only a must read; it is a must read several times.”
—Irene Nowell, OSB, Spirituality

“Every chapter is punctuated with metaphors to consider, personal experiences, early Christian figures and some contemporary — all of which I found helpful…. pick up a copy of Hogan’s book. It’s well worth a careful read.”
—Paul Adams, In Christus